Death to America

    • IzyaKatzmann [he/him]
      7 months ago

      I don't think that's quite right. From what you said, if I understand, the enforcement, and recency are the determining factors? Nothing of justice or fairness? I suppose any atrocity or action is fine as long as the people who were alive at the time (we'll ignore their descendants whose lives are obviously affected) are dead and gone for a few decades.

      Why is 80 years enough? Where did you even get that number? I figure you started off with "this is ok", then looked at how much time passed, then declared it was "enough".

        • IzyaKatzmann [he/him]
          7 months ago

          I don't really agree. I'm responding to the thesis of your first comment regarding the arab countries having had enough time to get over the borders they were given. Why is that not what you wrote?