Do you really think they are gonna pay money to improve water treatment instead of just telling everyone to buy bottled water? Full Country Flint Michigan speedrun incoming.
I think they'll improve water quality treatment up to a point - lots of places are using more activated carbon treatments as source water is degrading, for example - but after a certain point places will just import water like in parts of Mexico City. A lot of people observed the downsides of sprawl as it relates to transit, which is fair, so thought I'd add that it's also really bad for urban water systems.
Do you really think they are gonna pay money to improve water treatment instead of just telling everyone to buy bottled water? Full Country Flint Michigan speedrun incoming.
I think they'll improve water quality treatment up to a point - lots of places are using more activated carbon treatments as source water is degrading, for example - but after a certain point places will just import water like in parts of Mexico City. A lot of people observed the downsides of sprawl as it relates to transit, which is fair, so thought I'd add that it's also really bad for urban water systems.