Google slows down Firefox users when watching YouTube....

  • ΛdΛm_𝒷
    7 months ago

    Question: since adblockers are against their TOS now, why don't they just remove them from the web store ?

    Only a fool would miss that opportunity to market their browser at that point, but its seems strange to me they're playing this gang war

    First They went after invidious, then they slowly started blocking adblocker only for desktop users..

    I think that the plan is to not hit people where it hurts directly ( which is mobile phones ), just start slowly taking things that only matter to a small percentage of users, and once that's taken care of, move to more noticeable stuff

    7 months ago

    Guys relax. Most of the 'research' comes from this reddit post:

    It points out following code in youtube's polymer script:

    setTimeout(function() {
     }, 5E3);

    But exactly this code does show up on a stock installation of chrome too, and it does not check for the user agent. One of the responses goes a bit deeper into what the code above could do:

    It is rather clear, that this code is not aimed at firefox users to slow down their loading time.

    • 7bicycles [he/him]
      7 months ago

      It is rather clear, that this code is not aimed at firefox users to slow down their loading time.

      alternatively it's just well designed

        7 months ago

        I know that you are memeing - but some ppl probably don't have the background to see the difference.

        A ping does not contain a http header containing a user agent. The response to a ping is not a webpage - and even if it was, your console won't execute the JS.

    7 months ago

    I wonder what would happen if Google manages to destroy itself with increasing shenanigans like this.

    I mean, so much of digital based stuff relies on them for some extent.

    • 7bicycles [he/him]
      7 months ago

      we get a lot of people learning what "digital sovereignity" means

      just kidding, the state is going to pay every business affected gajillion dollars to buy more google

        7 months ago

        Tax dollars are paying for that right?

        I'm Dutch myself, but i know a lot of people who can't afford another increase in cost of living...i'm quite certain America has many more people in the same situation.

  • frogbellyratbone_ [e/em/eir, any]
    7 months ago

    i've got some irrational nerd rage going on right now reading this

    less about google, more about the individuals who programmed this. holy hell