• 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2023


  • This is not correct.

    Most of the posts/articles reference following reddit post: https://old.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/17ywbjj/whenever_i_open_a_youtube_video_in_a_new_tab_its/k9w3ei4/ . It shows the code from your screenshot. However the code does not check the user agent and is not injected server side (I checked by user agent spoofing and using a freshly installed chrome). So it will run on every browser and cannot be used against some specific ones.

    There is an answer to the post everyone seems to reference, which goes a bit deeper into what the code could do: https://old.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/17ywbjj/whenever_i_open_a_youtube_video_in_a_new_tab_its/ka08uqj/

  • Guys relax. Most of the 'research' comes from this reddit post: https://old.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/17ywbjj/whenever_i_open_a_youtube_video_in_a_new_tab_its/k9w3ei4/

    It points out following code in youtube's polymer script:

    setTimeout(function() {
     }, 5E3);

    But exactly this code does show up on a stock installation of chrome too, and it does not check for the user agent. One of the responses goes a bit deeper into what the code above could do: https://old.reddit.com/r/firefox/comments/17ywbjj/whenever_i_open_a_youtube_video_in_a_new_tab_its/ka08uqj/

    It is rather clear, that this code is not aimed at firefox users to slow down their loading time.

  • Even if everyone is using English, there will be cultural differences. I used to work at a company which had a lot of indian externals working on their code base. Whenever I had to work on a mainly Indian developed project i had to get used to how they wrote things. Usually things where named a bit different. Not by much, but enough tho throw me off a couple of times before i got used to it.

    IMPORTANT: I am not shitting on how they used English, merely pointing out that they used it differently from how i would have expected.

  • Totally agree on the paycheck. However we need to stop acting like piracy is bad only. Buy the things you really enjoy and support the creator(s).

    Back in the days a friend suggested i buy Skyrim and i was like: "Uuh not sure if i want to spend that kind of money on a 2yo game". But since he was quite a fan, i pirated it. Soon after I bought the LE version and today it is still my most played game.

    NGL: i also pirated many things of which i never bought the original version. But because of the bay i also bought some things i most likely wouldn't have without.

  • That different instances handle issues differently is inevitable. Just from a legal standpoint they will HAVE to enforce different laws, depending on where they operate from.

    However you have a point in the community helping out. I don't know what the application process is, but you might want to look into it. If you can just take over looking into some of these reports, it will help reduce this 3-digit load on admins.

  • I have to say that an invite based signup system makes my toenails curl backwards. IMO this will let instances die out slowly. I didn't know anyone using lemmy and just stumbled upon it. ppl like me wont ever be able to join an instance if it is invite only.

    Don't misunderstand me: I do understand how critical it is for the operators of instances to protect themselves. Lemmy is a rather young project and still needs better admin tools. However, there are some good discussions happening on GitHub. Untill the operators and admins have the tooling to protect themselves, I see disabling img upload as preferable. It also took reddit some time to allow uploading images, instead of linking them.