
Discussions of synchronicity tend to focus either on the meaningful content of the experience, or on speculation about possible mechanisms underlying the phenomena. The present paper suggests that the symbolic or meaningful content of some synchronistic phenomena are themselves governed by identifiable dynamics associated with the emergence of symbol systems generally. Specifically, these dynamics are associated with complex dynamical systems theory and give rise to phenomena governed by power laws such as Zipf’s law. It is suggested that synchronicities, which display distinctly symbolic features, behave in ways that conform to power-law distributions in which highly coupled systems form rare outlier aggregations referred to as "dragon kings". This terminology is explained and related to the experience of synchronistic phenomena.


  • GalacticFederation [none/use name]
    3 years ago


    Let me finally return to the remarks I made about Jung’s interest in scarabs, as well as the patient’s dream and the advent of the chaffer. The scarab beetle event, in essence, resembles a tightly coupled, homogeneous system thatis about to undergo a process of catastrophic self-organization: a synchronicity. As Sornette (2009, p. 11) remarks regarding the emergence of dragon kings: “The key idea is that catastrophic events involve interactions between structures at many different scales that lead to the emergence of transitions between collective regimes of organization.” These interactive processes, as Sornette and Ouillon (2012) explain, create amplifying feedback loops in the aggregate system that push the system into a global phase transition.

    In the case of the scarab, we have Jung and his patient evidently under considerable pressure – she is very rational, the work is not progressing, they are stuck. In this situation, the dream introduces a symbolism that captures not only the patient, but, importantly, Jung as well or even in particular. With the appearance of the chaffer, the aggregate system of Jung-patient-symbolism produces just such an undamped tightly coupled amplifying feed-back loop that pushes the systems into a global phase transition. As Jung remarks, this rearranges the entire structure of the analysis. This is the process, I would suggest, that makes at least this synchronistic event, but perhaps others as well, into a dragon king.

    • GalacticFederation [none/use name]
      3 years ago

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