So basically some people are saying that the reason USA and celebrities support Isn't real so much is because Zionists ''control Hollywood'' and many companies in USA leaving USA with no choice but to support them and that president can't decide for himself to stop the support even if he wanted too. They give Blinken as an example of Zionist on high government position in USA.

Elon Musk also Tweeted antisemitism by saying something similar. Is it?

  • Nakoichi [they/them]
    10 months ago

    Antisemitic anti materialist bullshit. Biden said himself if Israel didn't exist the US would have to create one.

    10 months ago

    Obviously. Anybody pretending that Israel “controls” the US instead of the other way around didn’t arrive at that conclusion through material analysis. The most powerful white settler colonial empire in the history of the world did not need to be “tricked” into supporting their own military investment. The Israeli state has no power or existence independent of the United States government.

    10 months ago

    Fun fact, the only reason there are historically a massive number of Jews in Hollywood is that Jews were prevented and banned from having almost any other job, much like African Americans, Polish, Italians, and Irish were as well, and Hollywood was considered laughable garbage and was one of the only places they could find employment for pennies.

    Well… Hollywood wasn’t laughable for long and the rest is history.

    10 months ago

    It’s antisemitism to imply that they run Hollywood, or any industry for that matter. In reality they had harsh treatment in daily life back then and going into entertainment was more viable than getting a good paying higher-up position in a company.

  • buh [she/her]
    10 months ago


    I think Americans who support Israel either have some material interest in the region or are poorly informed and simply going along with the heavily propagandized status quo (which exists because of the former). Any power Israel has to influence American politics comes from the imperialistic interests in America itself (or the west more generally).

  • Rania 🇩🇿🏳️‍⚧️
    10 months ago

    The US controls isra*l, not the other way around, that's part of the propaganda to demoralize people fighting against it to make it seem like the US won't give up on it when it no longer becomes profitable

    10 months ago

    Yes, because the end conclusion you’re supposed to reach with this train of thought is that Jews control everything and the highest positions of power.

    It’s a misrepresentation of the situation in order to push genuine Anti-Semitic propaganda.

  • sovietknuckles [they/them]
    10 months ago

    and many companies in USA leaving USA with no choice but to support them and that president can't decide for himself to stop the support even if he wanted too.

    Framing it way this way makes it sounds like supporting Israel is an objective, individual choice, when anti-BDS laws ensure that it is not. Boycotting Israel is illegal in 35 US states and growing, and in many states, you need to vow not to criticize Israel in order to hold a public-sector job and can be fired if you do.

    But as others have said, anti-BDS laws are so popular in the US because of Israel's strategic and financial benefit to the US establishment, not because "Zionists control X".