Basically I am looking for a messaging platform like signal or? but with anonymous signup, perfect forward secrecy, capable of video chat, sending photos the usual uses in today's life. But with a panic button. So that any party member could use said button to wipe all other members devices of any data instantly inside the messaging app. So if one member gets compromised, or lost their device ect, any other member could wipe all chats, call log, and any other data instantly for everyone involved. Disolving the group like it never existed rendering the data unrecoverable. Does something like this exist? Sorry if I'm not explaining it well. I am not trying to delete the whole device. Just the data inside the messaging app. If that does not exist. What about a separate app that could delete the entire messaging platform from the device when triggered. Assume all necessary requirements are met.

    10 months ago

    Wouldn't chats be stored locally though? So even if the service was shutdown the app and its local contents would remain. Or does the service load chats after connecting to the home server, then your scenario plays correctly. Matrix doesn't offer ephemeral messaging which would be a stop gap in this case if stored locally. I'm not familiar with Matrix.