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  • Kras
    10 months ago

    Is your friend fully aware that you are a communist? Does he do all that on purpose?

    Also, if he doesn't really do research, then I think your hope is to use agit&prop content.

    If he uses tiktok a lot, for example, then you'll need to find good content about communism there to send him, stuff like JamesRehwald. Maybe doesn't even start with communist content yet, but ease his way into it by sending less radical stuff first. Also subversive content like Boy Boy on youtube is great.

    You could also always just sit down with him, make clear you don't like the stuff he says, and have a genuine conversation truly listening to the misunderstandings and issues he has with communism and trying to very patiently debunk it. You'll need to do some research first and you'll need to know examples of things he can relate to. It's difficult, but it's doable. Just don't expect him to turn into a comrade because of this though, at best he will be more receptive of the ideas and will be less annoying. After that it's slowly showing him the way.

      • Kras
        10 months ago

        If he's doing it out of worry for you because he truly believes that liberal nonsense then at least his heart is in the right place although he is misguided. Otherwise, if he's doing it to be combative and to annoy you than that's just fucked up the way I see it.

        That being said, you seem to care about this person and your friendship, and I think it's best to be able to talk to him, at least a little. Also, don't try to walk on eggshells too much by avoiding to speak your mind out, that's something that didn't go well for me lol.