3D artist
I bought a mop bucket that has a separation in the middle, it separates the clean and dirty water and its working great, its cheap to buy too!
I was very depressed for about 15 years, I started taking mushrooms, now I still deal with existential dread under capitalism but I have energy and I managed to study and have friends and life is improving every day
No other drugs helped me, they only zombified me
Im a 3d artist in case you need something. Great work starting with blender its the best and is free, maya and 3dsmax are very punitive expensive and there is no help out there.
I once pet a mole as a kid, they are very soft
Could the EU orient towards china? The USA is not even trying to hide that they are using the EU as pokers chips, there many people with anti nato and anti eu sentiments
Global reserve currency
Linux mint? Idk never tried it but i heard its similar, im also wanring to start this journey of changing from win to linux
This is accurate, a thin glass that appears a democracy, when broken revealing an Imperialist system.
I have never played this game online and nobody I know irl would play this so yeah count me in lol
The game has become too micro intensive for me, I dont want to have to say to every truck its orders, I dont want to put a city and then forget I didnt leave room for trash cans that have the smallest range posible, so I need hundreds of them, although maybe im doing something wrong, I liked the other distribution systems, my public transport has to improve too. I only use buses for everything, and walkable cities, no cars tho
People are using an average of 108% of minimum salary just in rent in cities like Madrid, similar in other cities in Spain.
I dont remember where but I heard this last week on the news.
Do you wanna talk about why you think that? Letting people down is fine we all do it, but you should not feel like that as a response. I will be around reading your comments if you need anything tell me.
Words I would never even halucinate about. I never realized veganism was so anti status quo
I want to punch all these horrible therapists so bad.
Ive been looking for an invitation to CGpeers for years, still no luck :(
Im having trouble with who I am and who I want to be, yet the person that I want to be is an imposible perfect person made up by the imposible expectations of my narcisict parents who ignore the reality of being alive today and the cost of everything.
I have to learn to forgive myself as my parents made me feel guilty for not being able to fix their lives. They wanted me to be their conselor, their financial advisor, their house cleaner etc.
Yeah, its bad, I had limerence for a while, like 2 years, Im over that person now. It was really hard getting over it as they helped me a lot with my mental problems, yet I ended being emotionally dependant on them and became toxic myself, of course I didnt know, I was really depressed and I clinged to anyone who would help me