• Tankiedesantski [he/him]
    7 months ago

    I also dated a Beijing girl for a year and she was very much of the opinion that nothing was wrong, but she was incredibly dense about a lot of things to the point that I no lover trusted her opinion.

    "I dated a girl from China who I don't respect so the opposite of what she says must be true" is not the slam dunk argument you seem to think it is.

    • tetris11@lemmy.ml
      7 months ago

      Obviously not, but her opinion on all topics parroted the party line so often, so patriotically, that I assume that anyone who repeats the state media in any country is likely being fed lies.

        • tetris11@lemmy.ml
          7 months ago

          Dude, I am asking for information. I am more that happy to update my beliefs, I just need one convincing source. If you have nothing to offer but abuse, then don't worry about it.

          • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
            7 months ago

            "Bro, I'm willing to be convinced that the so-called Holocaust happened, I just need one convincing source. If you're just going to call me a Holocaust Denier then don't worry about it.

            Also, I dated a Jew once and she was very dense so I think Auschwitz didn't happen."

          • EuthanatosMurderhobo@lemmygrad.ml
            7 months ago

            I mean...you sure didn't need any sources to update your beliefs to China commiting genocide against Uyghurs, since...there aren't any in existence.

            Are people you keep bugging supposed to prove that an unsubstantiated claim is unsubstantiated? Sure seems like low effort trolling to me. Especially after this gem. My favourite. The "DPRK is a closed country, so we should believe any old bullshit" "argument", but about China for a change. Distinct lack of political discussions in your history before this episode points to you living under a bridge too, if you catch my drift...

            Bless comrades' hearts for writing up all those sheets. Someone actually being curious in good faith will get use out of them.