Have ya'll ever met eugenicists and racists? those are some of the most natalist motherfuckers out there. You think all the mystic woo woo "having children is like +1 good" bullshit you want, THOSE PEOPLE THINK THAT HARDER THAN YOU DO!!!

This rant is sponsored by yesterday's grandma demanding in the form of a question when I'm going to shit out babies for her and also random strawman comments in an obscure subreddit.

Edit: ITT: people actually starting to bully me for not wanting to have kids. Did not expect this on "leftist" website.

  • muddi [he/him]
    10 months ago

    It's not directly racist or eugenics I guess. But it overlaps with the crowd and could be used for those purposes. David Benatar is the guy who brought up antinatalism in the modern day; his academic pages is full of edgy stuff and debates over affirmative action and cancel culture or whatever: https://humanities.uct.ac.za/department-philosophy/contacts/david-benatar

    The reason life sucks under the current system of capitalism, classism, racism, patriarchy, etc. is not an ontological or moral problem...it's the system itself. We haven't fixed the world yet ie global socialist revolution, and blaming previous generations isn't a solution meanwhile.

    Leftist philosophy is one of praxis and change, not accepting and moralizing about the current state of things, especially taking capitalism, racism, patriarchy etc. as given. If a leftist is calling an antinatalist racist or eugenicist, I think this is why. They seem to have rejected that capitalism is able to be abolished. They seem to put blame on individual actions, most of whom are in the oppressed classes and have no true individual freedom. They prefer inaction and waiting for things to end for individuals, and look at others to do the same.

    It seems like an op actually IMO