Have ya'll ever met eugenicists and racists? those are some of the most natalist motherfuckers out there. You think all the mystic woo woo "having children is like +1 good" bullshit you want, THOSE PEOPLE THINK THAT HARDER THAN YOU DO!!!

This rant is sponsored by yesterday's grandma demanding in the form of a question when I'm going to shit out babies for her and also random strawman comments in an obscure subreddit.

Edit: ITT: people actually starting to bully me for not wanting to have kids. Did not expect this on "leftist" website.

  • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
    8 months ago

    Retort to anti-natalism expressed as individuals not wanting to have kids, or expressed as the idea that nobody should have kids?

    • Great_Leader_Is_Dead
      8 months ago

      Someone who personally doesn't want kids isn't an anti-natalist though