the totalist path for the US is very interesting. wish totalism was less of a 'le red fash' shitstain with Mussolini in Italy, who like I get was once a leftist, the Sorealians in France, and Mosley in Britain who was just an out and out fascist
I always saw "totalism" in game as applied Strasserism since it has the same sword and hammer symbol, and in the real world it at least pretended to be "socialist", bullshit though that was.
it is used for strasserist esque ideologies too, which is my problem, it is also used literally just for like.... actual Marxists. like straight up I was playing as Egypt the other day and although they can't go totalist without being puppeted, their totalist faction is called like the society of Egyptian Marxists. the Soviet and American totalists aren't strasserists either. it just comes of as asome real cringe horse shoe 'Stalin and Hitler actually had more in common than you think, ever wonder why it's called national SOCIALISM?'
i remember reading the devswanted to overhaul the ideologies because they were so constraining and vauge. personally i would liketo see totalism split into maybe a generic marxism or maybe marxism-browderism (?) (since -leninism is basically a dead ideology in kaiserreich) and a nationalist socialism. i could see them wanting to steer clear of too many references to WW2 stuff so maybe a different name like social-populism? or just totalism for the mosley strain. and split radical socialism up into a few strains for more clarity since they all sound like democratic socialism to the extremeeee! but are actually very different
I get the constrains of the system. they want to have 3-4 sub types for each of the over arching of like rad left, lib, and far right. the box is crowded as fuck as is, and you gotta cut corners and squish some folks into boxes to make things look neater. as much as politics is a special interest of mine and I want like 200 sub groupings of this and that, I know from a gameplay perspective it's just kind of stupid and implausible.
I appreciate that they really do take ww1 as a clear and cut point of divergence and follow that through. like Marxism Leninism failed, ofc people are going to turn to syndicalism as the premier form of leftism in the western world like it totally fits and all. and there very much were social populist far right with some left flavouring like the Sorelians, the original foundings of Italian fascism, and the Strasserists, it makes sense to sorta take that concept and run with it, and repurpose reactionaries in our like like Mosley and Mussolini into their syndicalist societies. I think they do a good job of it all, I just hate the implication that some of it brings about. like the Jacobins and Sorelians in France just straight up purge one another, they fucking hate eachother, they're obviously not treated as the same, and yet, it just looks like lib cringe
the totalist path for the US is very interesting. wish totalism was less of a 'le red fash' shitstain with Mussolini in Italy, who like I get was once a leftist, the Sorealians in France, and Mosley in Britain who was just an out and out fascist
I always saw "totalism" in game as applied Strasserism since it has the same sword and hammer symbol, and in the real world it at least pretended to be "socialist", bullshit though that was.
it is used for strasserist esque ideologies too, which is my problem, it is also used literally just for like.... actual Marxists. like straight up I was playing as Egypt the other day and although they can't go totalist without being puppeted, their totalist faction is called like the society of Egyptian Marxists. the Soviet and American totalists aren't strasserists either. it just comes of as asome real cringe horse shoe 'Stalin and Hitler actually had more in common than you think, ever wonder why it's called national SOCIALISM?'
technically marxism came about after socialism,
just dont go full burnham
i remember reading the devswanted to overhaul the ideologies because they were so constraining and vauge. personally i would liketo see totalism split into maybe a generic marxism or maybe marxism-browderism (?) (since -leninism is basically a dead ideology in kaiserreich) and a nationalist socialism. i could see them wanting to steer clear of too many references to WW2 stuff so maybe a different name like social-populism? or just totalism for the mosley strain. and split radical socialism up into a few strains for more clarity since they all sound like democratic socialism to the extremeeee! but are actually very different
I get the constrains of the system. they want to have 3-4 sub types for each of the over arching of like rad left, lib, and far right. the box is crowded as fuck as is, and you gotta cut corners and squish some folks into boxes to make things look neater. as much as politics is a special interest of mine and I want like 200 sub groupings of this and that, I know from a gameplay perspective it's just kind of stupid and implausible.
I appreciate that they really do take ww1 as a clear and cut point of divergence and follow that through. like Marxism Leninism failed, ofc people are going to turn to syndicalism as the premier form of leftism in the western world like it totally fits and all. and there very much were social populist far right with some left flavouring like the Sorelians, the original foundings of Italian fascism, and the Strasserists, it makes sense to sorta take that concept and run with it, and repurpose reactionaries in our like like Mosley and Mussolini into their syndicalist societies. I think they do a good job of it all, I just hate the implication that some of it brings about. like the Jacobins and Sorelians in France just straight up purge one another, they fucking hate eachother, they're obviously not treated as the same, and yet, it just looks like lib cringe