Follow me to the Himalayas as I try to answer Wendy Paintings questions about inter-dimensional Big Foot. I will make an attempt at revealing how the British Operation Phoenix precursor was responsible for one of the most sold anti-communist book in history and how they spiked it with Yeti mythology. I will then try to link it with that bogeyman which have been haunting me all autumn. That's right more Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels insanities as I read to you from his Theozoology.
After that there will be some free wheeling as I answer Fergal from The Kingless Generation and contemplate on my daily and not so daily life in Japan.
part 1 here
Hello and Welcome to the first QnA. I have received a fair share of interesting recordings and written questions which I will my very best to answer. This will become at least three episodes in total. I answer some hosts from other shows that I have visited, old time supporters and guests. Everything from personal questions and the possible childhood damage that led to this show, the real shit of Nordic Noir film-tips, the research of Stieg Larsson, Freud and The Uncanny in 18th century horror short stories and what the Sandman might teach us about Capitalism. Anti-Soviet appropriation of the Abominable Snowman Yeti and the possibility of a Lemur Big Foot. The demonology of landlords during the European peasant rebellions. Bodhisattva-Maoism in Nepal, why the repressed is returning and of course whether Hitler is dead or not. This and much more, so please take a stroll in the autumn landscape while I try and brighten up your weekend!