• zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    7 months ago

    I mean, it is more complicated than "One Palestine", because you still have a large militarized colonial government with genocidal intent towards the native inhabitants.

    But the liberal hand-waving in the face of Israeli genocide isn't the solution. Certainly, the current administration and its policy of enabling that genocide isn't a solution.

    • usernamesaredifficul [he/him]
      7 months ago

      step one of coming to any kind of solution would be for the Israelis to stop killing people and nicking all their shit.

      they should do that first and from there there could be talks leading to peace and concessions. The fact people don't have a perfect end solution is not a reason not to take that obvious first step in finding one

      first the root cause needs to be addressed before recovery is possible

      • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
        7 months ago

        step one of coming to any kind of solution would be for the Israelis to stop killing people and nicking all their shit.

        Absolutely. But that's not a policy non-Israelis can enact. Might as well say the first step to end WW2 is for Germany to stop doing the Holocaust.

        The fact people don't have a perfect end solution is not a reason not to take that obvious first step in finding one

        The Israeli solution is genocide. And they're enacting it.

        The American solution appears to be enabling that genocide, while running media cover for it at home

        "One Palestine" under a Netanyahu government isn't any kind of panacea for the killing.