Couldn't even stay in a messy bed? Lol
As the Vietnam War raged in 1969, John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono held two week-long Bed-ins for Peace, one at the Hilton Hotel in Amsterdam and one at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel in Montreal, each of which were intended to be nonviolent protests against wars, and experimental tests of new ways to promote peace. The idea is derived from a "sit-in", in which a group of protesters remains seated in front of or within an establishment until they are evicted, arrested, or their demands are met
They spent their honeymoon in the presidential suite (Room 702) at the Amsterdam Hilton Hotel for a week between March 25 and 31, inviting the world's press into their hotel room every day between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m.
During April 1969, Lennon and Ono sent acorns to the heads of state in various countries around the world in hopes that they would plant them as a symbol of peace.
I could keep posting funny shit from this article but it would just be be whole wiki page
Last edit: funny interview with some asshole RW cartoonist during the "bed-in"
I have got to do some kind of analysis sometime over why white hippies in the 60s sucked so much compared to militant civil rights movements and unions from the same time.
Is it lib to say I believe hippies did nothing of value at all? The third or fourth most famous hippy was Charles Manson, a white supremacist pedophile cult leader rapist. The rest of them all either died of alcohol poisoning before their 30th birthday or they started Wired magazine and become silicon Valley techbros.
Because hippies are just white people who didn't like their parents. By and large, they were the same as their parents or worse. They took some ideas from various eastern philosophies and just applied them randomly outside the original context with no concern. They took drugs and treated this as revolutionary at a time when people were fighting and dying in the streets for basic rights. They considered themselves wordly and educated because they lived in a van for a week. They thought war was just dick measuring rather than about real material concerns. In short, they were white boomers.
Idk, talking to some cool older people I know who live in that time, the actual line between the two was murky. If you were a "politico" (the term they used back then for people who did hardcore anti-Vietnam activism and worked in other causes) you probably also had long hair, smoked pot, dropped acid, and went on on a road trip to the southwest. At least according to one old time anti-war guy I used to drink with the hippy "drop out" culture was a good way to get-out-of-dodge if you political activism got you in trouble. If the FBI showed at your parents place there was a whole host of communes in California that'd let you crash off the grid for a few months in.
But maybe these guys were romanticizing things.
You're probably right that I'm drawing a line where one might not have necessarily existed. I'm speaking in broad terms and what results, if any, came from them.
I'm also brain poisoned by the association of Charles Manson to that whole culture. He is the epitome of hippy for me.
Not entirely true there were those two guys from the chicago 7
My take on that is that America has broadly "tolerated" counter-culture movements that are chauvinist and either toothless (like hippies) or largely aligned with capital (like libertarians). They may still face repression, but they don't get the sort of complete institutional shut-out that communists get. The hippy movement came from that sort of tolerated counter-culture where however scandalous the mainstream may have found them they had at least some degree of support in academia, music, and hollywood, and was a highly-individualistic movement that replaced solidarity with nonsense mysticism and was concerned mostly with the personal liberation of its adherents from the restrictions of the world around them (and, as always, that went along with the chauvinist idea that personal liberation means the freedom to act however and on whomever one wishes, regardless of the desires, wellbeing, or rights of others).
I've talked before about how that sort of chauvinism dominated the American "left" up until relatively recently (spoiler: the turning point was gamergate and its related culture war bullshit) when the worst chauvinists split and got sucked into propaganda machine that sought to reconcile their self-interested chauvinism and desire for personal freedom to act however and on whomever they pleased with the previously rigid public-facing moral ideas of the far-right, creating a true fascist movement almost overnight, with the upside that in their absence/in reaction to this the left also started crystalizing and turning against that sort of chauvinism, leading to a resurgence of actual leftist ideology instead of just the "I sort of want healthcare, am ambivalent about LGBT rights, and find the theocratic far-right unsettling and bad" umbrella that previously defined the American "left." It's not enough, and there are still plenty of other sorts of chauvinists like vaushites and breadtubers muddying the waters, but it's better than it was twelve years ago, hence why the old institutional shut-out machines are starting to turn and the left is increasingly under attack again.
Hippies turned into Boomers...