Googling the lyrics brought me to this:

What was once a dance-floor classic, however, has in recent years assumed a darker tone. On December 23 2008 Guineans awoke to the news of the death of their President of 25 years, Col. Lansana Conté. The President’s death was not unexpected – ill health had prevented him from making public appearances for many years and it was believed he was much older than his official age of 74. In the hours after his death, as uncertainty grew as to the shape and form of the new government, the public’s worst fears were realised when the national broadcaster, Radio Télévision Guinée (RTG), began to play Bembeya Jazz National’s version of “Armée Guinéenne” continuously on the radio. When hearing the song played in such a manner parents throughout the capital quickly phoned their children to bring them home: they knew something dire had occurred. Their fears were realised when a military coup was announced. ( source )