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But seriously, is anyone else tired of "man trapped in a woman's body"//"born this way" rhetoric? It feels like you're already bargaining from a standpoint of "theres nothing I could do about this, but if I could...."

i mean shit, i think i remember :pete: being asked a question about whether he'd take a shot that "cured gayness" and he said yes with his husband in the audience.

  • That_Poster_You_Hate [doe/deer]
    3 years ago

    Thanks homie. It's a really alienating path to walk tbh, but I think it leaves the cissies in a better place to meet queer people going forward than if I did the whole "apologizing for being queer" thing. I dont mean directly apologizing, but so many queers are so beaten down by cisciety that we live our lives as if we need to apologize for who we are. I remember my friend writing a letter for SRS, and the line that resonated with me and still makes me cry for my sisters, brothers and siblings was "I'm tired of feeling like I have to apologize any time I'm going to be naked around someone." ugh