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But seriously, is anyone else tired of "man trapped in a woman's body"//"born this way" rhetoric? It feels like you're already bargaining from a standpoint of "theres nothing I could do about this, but if I could...."

i mean shit, i think i remember :pete: being asked a question about whether he'd take a shot that "cured gayness" and he said yes with his husband in the audience.

  • RowPin [they/them]
    3 years ago

    The problem that any mass social activism has to contend with is you have to convert many people who are very stupid, and very evil. Like, there's people who think gay people are immutably born that way, and they still want to discriminate against them! One of the reasons Trump won was because he spoke for a section of society sick of having to do cringe things like be polite and not shout slurs at people; these people who become enraged if you tell them not to mock someone else, and the easiest argument to appeal to a peabrain like that is "it's not their fault they're mentally disabled/black/gay/trans."

    It's awful, but I get it.