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    7 个月前

    At this point there is zero doubt left that Musk is an idiot.

    All he did was being born rich and being lucky with his investments so far.

  • Rom [he/him]
    7 个月前

    Critical support for Elon Musk in his one man crusade to destroy Twitter.

    • Adkml [he/him]
      7 个月前

      Idk what's funnier him doing everything gnhe can tondestroy it or then people who claim to hate him and Twitter writing essays on why they have tonkeep using it and propping it up.

      An unstoppable object versus an immovable force.

    7 个月前

    Elon seems more and more like an escaped mental patient....

    I think the stress is really getting to him, I feel kinda bad for him actually....

    Or, I would feel bad for him, if he wasn't a complete dickhead.

    • Adkml [he/him]
      7 个月前

      There is literally nothing he could do or anything that could happen to him that would make me feel bad for him.

      Everything that's happening is 10% of what he deserves.

        7 个月前

        At this point, even if he broke down crying in front of me in a private room, I would assume it was an act to scam me, either out of money, or attention.

    • Adkml [he/him]
      7 个月前

      That was a deafening silence while he waited for everybody to laugh with him.

      Better say it again but louder and while maintaining awkward eye contact