Online recipes are such bullshit. You have to wade through an endless amount of filler text, video crap, sponsor fluffing and ads before you get to the actual recipe hidden at the bottom of the page.

Everything is designed to maximize SEO and make you click shitty ads. Capitalism ruins everything it touches.

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I've found that adding the word "reddit" to every search I make so I can go to a related subreddit and read people posting about the thing in question really makes the internet more useful (as long as I'm not looking for information about China, of course). A lot of the other websites that clog up search results are procedurally generated, and semi randomly copy/paste information from source websites (often including Reddit comments lol) to create pages like the one you're talking about.

    • SerLava [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Yeah works even a tiny bit better for that, and I use it all the time. Reddit users at least dog pile blatant spam with downvotes, so you're cutting out 98% of the absolute shit advice.