Fellow Hexbearians,

I was thinking about how embarrassing it is to ask questions about things that seem obvious, so why not make a thread here? We can pool our understanding and clear up any misconceptions we picked up living in a world not built for neurodiverse people.

Ask questions about things you don't understand that might seem obvious. If there are things you do understand in someone else's question, please do so and help clear it up.

I ask that we ask and answer questions sincerely. This is a discussion about confusion and trying to understand. I think it would feel safer if we don't think we're being mocked or trolled.

I'll put a comment in the thread to get things rolling.

  • Maoo [none/use name]
    10 months ago

    There are many things that can screw up a sleep schedule. Here are some things that might help:

    • No screens an hour before you want to sleep.
    • Do very little in bed aside from sleeping. Avoid phones, reading, watching TV, etc. This helps build up a psychological association between bed and sleep.
    • If you have the option, enforce your sleep schedule at other opportunities. Wake up at the same time regardless. Avoid naps. Only if you have this option though.
    • Do some exercise a bit before bed. Maybe some light yoga. If this makes you sleepy right away, do it just before bed. If this energizes you at first, do it an hour or two before bed.
    • Limit lights at night in general (use blackout blinds).
    • Light in the morning. There are cheap SAD lamps that can mimic the sun and turn on automatically in the morning.
    • Occasionally, as needed, have a melatonin an hour or two before bed. It will make you sleepy. If you have it too often, your body will adjust to needing it in order to fall asleep. Once every two weeks might be a good goal.
    • Allow yourself two weeks to adjust to your attempted schedule. Your body will mess with you for a while even if you're doing everything well and even if it eventually works.