I've been using Fedora for a couple of months now, and have been loving it. Very soon after I jumped into this community (among other Linux communities) and started laughing at all the people saying "KDE rules, GNOME drools," and "GNOME is better, KDE is for babies." But then I thought, "Why not give KDE a try? The worst that happens is I go back to using GNOME."

Now I get it. The level of customization is incredible, it's way faster than GNOME, and looks beautiful too. At this point, I'm not going back.

I'll happily contribute to the playground fight over desktop environments. KDE rules, GNOME drools.

  • LalSalaamComrade@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    I don't like GNOME for it's poor theming support and it's toxic dev community (ahem, talking about senior devs, especially Ebassi's hostility towards newbies), but I think that it has some well-designed defaults. I love the workflow - everything is fast and snappy, shortcuts are pretty nice, aligning window is quick, and if there's a lack of space, I can just drop the app in another workspace. Yes, I am using GNOME 45 at the movement, and I think it's quite nice. But I also love the roadmap of GNUStep, and maybe if I can in the future, I would love to assist Gregory Casamento.