Hi, I am currently working on a website I plan to release under the GPL3 license. I was wondering what copyright notice I should put in the footer of the web page. The notice I currently have is "Copyright 2023 <myname>", but I do not know if this conflicts with the GPL licence. Should I change it to something like "Copyright 2023 <projectname> contributers"?

  • bizdelnick@lemmy.ml
    10 months ago

    The notice has nothing to do with the license. You just write who holds the copyright. If you don't use code written by someone else, your name is enough.

  • Pierre-Yves Lapersonne@programming.dev
    10 months ago

    If it is your project, no need to get headaches about this. However keep for example the stuff like “Copyright YEAR - your-name” and say it’s under GPL 3 license. But nothing more.