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  • 01100011101001111100 [she/her]
    3 years ago

    I'm super early transitioning pre hrt and it wasn't easy and something I dreaded. I'm still not out to everyone and I still go out in boy mode often. When I first figured out I was trans a lot of things suddenly made sense and I figured I could just keep doing what I was already doing and just... not be open. And then every once in a while I'd buy makeup or go out in "drag" to drag shows - of course, that was ironically one of the only times I wasn't. I figured that'd be enough. And then one of my profs used my preferred pronouns accidently, I hadnt met him before and my deadname is kinda gender neutral and my heart started to sing when I heard it.

    And then after that, it was pretty much... well I want more of that euphoria. I met other trans girls, some of them far in their transition some early on and that helped me go out en femme more and more. I cam out to my family and roommate and just started wearing girl clothes at home all the time. I started to use my name and my pronouns when I introduced myself. I started to dress more and more often.

    Every step in between felt so big and so huge and I was always scared to make the next one. Looking back, I kind of laugh at myself for feeling so anxious and scared when I bought tights for the first time. I couldn't just buy them, I had to buy groceries at the same time lol and I still thought everyone could tell. I was lucky and as far as I know all my family and friends were supportive, but it was still that big leap that every time. It took me 3 weeks to work up the courage to come out to my partner who I already 100% knew would be cool about it.

    HRT still seems scary to me but I know I want to do it. And actually going 100% social transitioned instead of having the security blanket of being able to go out in boy mode seems scary, but the way everything has been going... I'll probably do it.