The YouTube algorithm bestowed this gem upon me

  • AOC_Feet_Pics [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Imagine being such a contrarian shithead you convert to Catholicism. I don't believe a single one of these twitter tradcaths have any genuine belief in God, other than his ability to "own the libs."

    • PlantsRstillCool [des/pair]
      3 years ago

      Are there many Catholic converts? I always thought it was more of something you're just born into, Catholics don't proselytize like the prods.

      • McafeesWhaleWidow [undecided,none/use name]
        3 years ago

        I know several. Mostly it’s people unwilling to remain prot but want to stay Christian so they go for the “oldest” one (all of them being Americans also being ignorant of stuff like Armenian orthodox or other rites that go back to early Christianity). I also know a catholic who became east orthodox because that’s the final form of tradcath evolution short of going insane and joining a gnostic cult or something.

      • Mardoniush [she/her]
        3 years ago

        Yeah, fairly common for High-Church Anglicans or Lutherans or Orthodox to do so, which is why it's less common in the US where Evangelical and Baptist sects are more common. Even then, you get a few who prefer a more ritualistic form of Christianity.

        But it's mostly an individual thing, even the Jesuits don't go door-knocking or stand on street corners, they just come stunningly prepared for any and all potential theology debates.

  • RedundantClam [they/them]
    3 years ago

    It's so weird seeing people in the comments jerk off to this shit. I went to Catholic school as a kid and all this does is bring back memories of being simultaneously bored out of my skull but glad I'm out of class. Especially the people awkwardly shuffling behind the procession like they they'd much rather be doing something else but they know they have to act pious.

    • PlantsRstillCool [des/pair]
      3 years ago

      simultaneously bored out of my skull but glad I'm out of class

      I went to Catholic school too and that is pretty much the perfect description of how the mandatory mass felt.

      I remember during lent we also had to do this stations of the cross thing twice a week, where we just kept kneeling and standing up over and over again while the priest walk around the church to all the depictions of the stations of the cross. I'm probably going to need a knee replacement in my 60s because of that

      • RedundantClam [they/them]
        3 years ago

        Yeah I remember stations of the cross being a killer. "Ok, he fell for the third time, home stretch let's go."

        Felt bad for the servers who had to stand along with the priest throughout the whole ordeal.

        • PlantsRstillCool [des/pair]
          3 years ago

          Oh yeah that must have sucked for the servers.

          All in all tho I don't think Catholic school was so bad. At the time I HATED the religion classes that were required literally every year. But now, I find it kinda fascinating. It's interesting to learn how they think and how it all is understood by the people who actually believe it. I feel like I understand the human psyche a but better because of it.

  • ssjmarx [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Note to self: If I ever see this on campus (when I finally go back to a physical campus, lol), the chad move will be to blitz right down the middle.

  • Tomboys_are_Cute [he/him, comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    What the fuck am I looking at? Why are those yutes dressed like fucking clergy? Also what is this channel? Last video posted 3 years ago, only 13 videos in total (none longer than 5 minutes), all of them titled with ethnonationalist-buzzwordy crap, and none breaching 350k views (the channel itself only has 495k views, this video has the most views of any by miles). Where did you find this?

    • PlantsRstillCool [des/pair]
      3 years ago

      Lol I thought I got it because I listen to early music and alot of that is church or church adjacent music.

      Sometimes the algorithm just picks a video and shows it to a bunch of people seemingly randomly so it was probably that