(story from a week ago)


  • iridaniotter [she/her]
    10 months ago

    “Growing female participation is a core focus for the organisation and an area in which we have seen great success in recent years. Ensuring the integrity of the female category across all disciplines of angling will remove potential barriers and ensure clear pathways for participation growth to lead to domestic and international success.”

    This concern trolling over women's participation in sports is just laughable at this point. The "logic" is that even in sports where secondary sex characteristics don't matter, women must be segregated as male professionals have had a decades-long institutional headstart. And yet decades of this bizarro form of affirmative action and we are nowhere closer to equality. Indeed, two decades ago the Olympics segregated a shooting competition after a woman won for the first time! It is time to acknowledge that liberals have completely failed in furthering women's equality in sports, and in fact their tactics instead reinforce male supremacy!