talking about the main big ones like asktg,mtf,ftm etc.

they either have super depressing vent posts (which i completely understand, but they're not actually healthy for anyone) or very weird gross conservative takes from older trans people. oh, you're trans but don't believe in nonbinary people and think the world shouldn't revolve around trans people? how original!

can we maybe talk about something helpful? like... any tips, experiences with HRT, etc? nope, we're just gonna wallow in depression and self-pity and bring each other down, because that helps!

shit website burn it down

  • Melon [she/her,they/them]
    3 years ago

    What's even more depressing is the flood of people pouring their heart out and oversharing about a traumatic experience or hardship, and the post or comment has less than five upvotes or whereabouts. People shouting into the void, never knowing if a single person has ever spent time to ponder about their struggles.

    It happens in many other online marginalized communities, too. Depressive venting also happens in more obscure corners of the web because cis people who struggle with work anxieties and other social ills often don't have their own place.