I dunno what it is, maybe the ban on sectarianism but y'all ain't half as divisive / no true Scot as some of the communism subs on Reddit. I'm here for a good time and brief alleviation from the overwhelming nonsense of the liberalism of the world with some like-minded comrades.

Good work to the admins and mods for keeping the culture popping :fidel-salute-big:

  • JoesFrackinJack [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I'd say the vast majority of people here post in good faith and simple disagreements can be easily discussed. Ofc there is always going to be infighting about inconsequential shit, but it helps that "karma" is even more meaningless here and less of a reason to do the things you see more on reddit. Or having people scour your post history in other subs to try and drag you over something irrelevant.

    It is more community-like because it's not quite the same as having drive-by posters trying to stir the pot in subs they don't even use or like. Ofc there is trolls who come here to do that but mods are solid in removing people only here to fuck shit up.