A friend sent me a spicy enough meme and I thought "heh, they are ready for HexBear". So I almost sent them a link and then I thought "hold on, maybe they are put off by something, let's check"; so made the little mental exercise of trying to discover hexbear for the first time.

Good lord, there's too much terminally online shit, anybody sane would be repelled.

I lied there was no effort post

  • Abraxiel
    3 years ago

    I've definitely had the experience of talking to friends who are communists and anarchists and this site comes up and I can't totally recommend it. Some of that is wanting to retain a separate identity online, but some of it is how this place gets weird about minutiae and China. (Hesitate to even bring it up, critical support)

    I dunno I don't think we really need to change much, just practice understanding that posters are people and not pounce on every possible ideological vulnerability. Happy the site has survived for a year.