Drip sounds gross like you have a disease that makes you drip and rizz sounds like jizz
They sound forced like fly and phat were
Me no like vry stinky
don't worry. White americans will find some other words from AAVE to annoy you with
I had no idea thats where they came from.
White ppl really can't come up with anything on their own, lmao
im not sure about rizz specifically but like 90% of this sort of youth internet slang is co-opted gay slang which is co-opted AAVE
You dont like drip because it implies one is wet and therefore cleaned
I thought they were cool. Mostly because I’m too old to use them earnestly but still cool enough to use them ironically and make the kids laugh with me and not at me for using them just yet. I think I got another solid 5 years of this.