So I (31M) have a very active sex life with my wife, Angela (33F). We have no children and we plan on remaining childfree. Angela is the cutest girl in the world and she is overflowing with sex appeal. So one night back in July this year, we had sex. Just for that one week, our AC wasn’t working. This made it very hot in our house, and it was so hot that this was actually the first time both of us were completely naked (usually I like to wear a tank top). Angie was sweating so heavily, and her sweat got so gross and uncomfortable, so we stopped our sex and we just lied on the bed naked.

Eventually our conversation turned towards childhood phobias, and my wife told me that she is terrified of the dark. I didn’t know this before, but she let me know that even as an adult, she wants to cry whenever there’s a power outage. So just for jokes, I grabbed her arm, and without letting her put any of her clothes back on, I got her off the bed and told her that I was going to stuff her in the dark basement (the light switch is just outside of the basement) as “punishment” for ending our sex early. She immediately started stammering “no no no” and within seconds she was sobbing and she actually screamed. I grabbed her body and lightly threw her in the basement and shut the door. I kept her in there for 20 minutes, and she was crying loudly for the entire time. Eventually I started feeling bad for her, so I opened the door and said “ok you can come out now”, but she just remained on the basement stairs, naked, clutching her chest and crying her heart out. I had to get down with her and hug her and stroke her ponytail, and eventually she did calm down. I feel like the only fucked-up aspect of this is that I forced my wife to do something while she was naked....what I did was wrong, but it wasn’t life-ruining, right?

This small prank has greatly traumatized my wife. She’s been in therapy for the past month now, and she now lives with her younger brother (27M). I have asked if she wanted to meet with me and discuss what happened, but she threatened to call the police on me.

A photo of our Facebook chat: