
    7 months ago

    Ya know. The fact that active users was going down made me feel like part of the 1% of stubborn assholes but ever since RiF went dark the only time I've been on reddit is when a Google search took me there because fuck spez. I'm in it for the long haul. I won't be going back. And ya know what? Fuck Google too. I've migrated to Firefox and DuckDuckGo since then too. Idk maybe it's just cause I am stubborn but I refuse to be a hypocrite.

        7 months ago

        I joined ! and now I use GrapheneOS (instead of Android), Fedora (instead of Windows), Firefox (instead of chrome), Mullvad VPN, (instead of google voice), and Kagi (instead of google search).

        It's a rabbit hole.

        Although Fedora was mostly because an update to windows 11 completely broke it and I didn't feel like trying to fix windows so I just wiped my laptop and installed Fedora.