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  • IlIlIlIlIlIlIl [any]
    3 years ago

    What would you do if capitalist nations just decided to violently suppress any form of leftism?

    (emphasis mine)

    Things like that do not "just happen". For the mass arrest of tens of millions to happen, there must be extensive planning of logistics, strategy, and how to deal with resistance. Considering your hypothetical scenario includes even milquetoast anti-capitalism like saying "eat the rich" on social media, that number may stretch into the hundreds of millions. Mass arrests on that scale are not to be taken lightly, and the planning process would stretch entire months, if not years.

    Most importantly would be the logistics of the operation. How would you ensure the loyalty of the lower sections of the army (it is unlikely that a police force would be dispatched to conduct such an extensive operation) (infantrymen, etc...)? How would you ensure compliance from those taught from literal childhood to believe in the ideals of "freedom and democracy" and "free speech" to a policy of blatant totalitarianism? And how would you ensure the loyalty of the upper sections of the army (generals, etc...)? Generals and commanders may be shocked when given the plans and refuse to obey them, causing chaos in the army. To ensure compliance with such drastic measures would require a cultural shift (away from liberal values) of such a magnitude it could be seen from a mile away, if not ten miles away.

    When the National-Socialists came to power, the Holocaust didn't happen in an instant. The second Hitler became Fuhrer, it wasn't as if all Jews in Germany were rounded up and sent to slaughter. The Holocaust required extensive preparation and lead-up, including significant pre-Holocaust massacres like the Kristallnacht. The Holocaust could've been seen from a mile away, Hitler didn't just wake up one day and decide to slaughter all the Jews.

    In conclusion, your scenario is incorrect in assuming that such an operation could be decided upon and carried out (literally) overnight. A mass-arrest of that magnitude would include significant build-up of leftist persecution before it actually happens.

    edit: you deleted your post while i was writing this lmao