• star_wraith [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Hot take: if we can't have public transportation, self driving cars are the next best thing. Fuck Elon Musk but I hate driving and really don't want to do it, but because we have zero public transportation infrastructure we all pretty much have no choice.

    • Fartbutt420 [he/him]
      3 years ago

      Ice cold take. There will never be self driving cars deployed on mass scale, and expecting or depending on them to "fix" transportation is a masturbatory VC pipedream. The time and monetary costs to implement the infrastructure dwarfs the costs of any new public transit, the legislative hurdles are going to be glacial and inconsistently applied, and assuming the AI gets trained not to brake at every street lamp and these things reach retail, rides are not going to be available for anything less than a price inaccessible for 90% of people. If you think governments are slow to build new bus routes, what makes you think they're going to jump over backwards to make sure people can afford a glorified taxi?

      • inshallah2 [none/use name]
        3 years ago

        Also - imagine the horrorshow if there was a "small" fire in an underground tunnel only designed for self driving electric cars. For "safety" - the cars might be forced powered down and doors would be force locked. And if people started breaking their windows to get out - they'd find that there's no walkaway to safety because - of course - they were supposed to stay in their cars.

        And - oopsie - there's no way to get firetrucks and fire equipment to the fire. And even firemen on foot might not be able to get to it either. The small fire rages and it gets bigger and bigger and bigger.

        People could get BBQed underground.

      • star_wraith [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Yes, of course. Trains good. I would take buses over self-driving cars. But if we just can't have that, we should have self driving cars that don't require a license. We're not there yet, but it really shouldn't be that far off.

        • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Self driving cars that require zero human input as a "just around the corner" solution seem to have largely been abandoned by most serious manufacturers, it's only elon who needs that kind of unrealistic marketing lie who's still making promises he can't deliver on.

          edit: let us not forget the promise of self driving teslas that can do uber when you're not using them, meanwhile the teslas in the vegas loop must all have human drivers to drive on one lane roads with zero pedestrians

          • nat_turner_overdrive [he/him]
            3 years ago

            I want wind tunnels for long distance cycle transit. Solar or geothermal powered fans giving you a nice steady 20ish mph wind at your back in enclosed tunnels, so even non-sportos can casually make distance.