Personally don't think this is the right path at all and is going to effect rural, poor and anyone without proper public transit (soooo a ton of people) unfairly. I understand the idea behind it but there are so many better ways to deal with the driving problem they've created.

  • DefinitelyNotAPhone [he/him]
    3 years ago

    So tell me, comrades, are you genuinely concerned about the poor or are you concerned about your wallet?

    I don't own a car. If anything this would be good for me personally.

    Sure, 8.7% of Americans don't own cars. That still leave 90% who do, the overwhelming majority of whom are workers. The taxes they'll pay will not go towards building something to replace their need for a car, it will just ravage waiters and retail workers and farmhands who have to drive to work every day because there is no other option available. If there was, half of them would sell their cars in an instant. You're ignoring material reality in favor of a shitty ripoff of "but why should my tax dollars pay off someone else's student loans?!?!?!?!?!?".