School reopens Monday and there were 95,000 cases of kids getting covid just last week. The neoliberal ghouls are pretending everything is fine and kids can be 0 feet from eachother and making testing less accessible.

Meanwhile I have very elderly coworkers who will absolutely die if they get COVID and an electrical system at my janky ass school that is too shitty to run air purifiers without blowing a fuse.

My kids will get sick, my colleauges will get sick and I will get sick and infect my partner all because we apparently needed to have a fucking rager for the 4th of July for the economy to not shit out its lungs.

Fuck Amerika

  • crime [she/her, any]
    3 years ago

    Can you rig up a box fan air purifier like our one comrade has been posting about for the wildfires? Would everyone wearing n95 masks help? I know when I was in school teachers had to ask for supply donations and stuff, would be happy to throw in for a case of n95s or something if it would help.

    If y'all do manage to get a strike going I'd love to contribute to the strike fund too

    The way america is stuffing children into the meat grinder like this makes me absolutely furious every time I think about it, everything with the pandemic has been bad but doing this at this point is completely unconscionable.
