another entirely is the weird 'i am a carnivore' identity formed just because vegans exist.
sits at the same table as this bumper sticker I saw on a truck that read "You keep your prius, I'll keep my testicles"
somehow these people have convinced themselves that other peoples' consumption choices are a direct threat to their own genitals
ty comrade
Yeah it's a fairly common among autistic people in particular, since sensory sensitivities can make entire categories of foods a no-go. The categories vary wildly from person to person, but vegetables and even fruits are cited frequently as unsafe-foods due to texture, strong taste, and/or high variation between different . It can be pretty severe too, my own sensory sensitivities aren't that bad compared to many of my autistic comrades, but getting a surprise chunk of mushroom in something has put me off my appetite for multiple meals in a row before, and sometimes a cucumber being in something like salad imparts enough lingering bitter flavor to ruin the whole thing even if I pick it out. It's super annoying to deal with as-is, and that's before heaping on the way some people love to openly mock or mess with you for being "picky" or "childish" or whatever.