/r/collapse is very fertile ground for agitation, more so every year. This new subreddit, specific to the global supply chain collapses, is also a place where we can speak directly to the emotions people are feeling and the material conditions creating them. If it isn't full of socialists it will soon become full of libertarian preppers.

edit: I've also got no part in leadership there. It started popping up in crossposts yesterday.

  • thirstywizard [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Go for it, it's already full of libertarian preppers and some open ecofasc. Lots of reactionary defeatism to overcome, that's going to be your biggest obstacle (and the biggest boon to any reactionaries trying to snap up some folks since fascism is a philosophy of death and decay). The place used to have a good amount of anprims, idk if its still like that. I remember there was this one regular that would argue people had the right to be uneducated and all and any education system serves primarily as a child molestation ring.

    I tried my luck few years ago but idk how many I shifted over well, I just had to leave left before the pandemic hit since I knew it'd be extra special toxic. Maybe one day I'll rejoin their discord community, and start up agitation and teaching again. Maybe. Today isn't that day.

    I like posting what I see in shortages since there's been plenty of them around me ever since this all started and its good to know its not just because of my geographical location.

    Shame r/redpreppers is dead, preppers isn't looking as rugged these days since it's been flooded with regular people rather than bourgeois and petite bourgeois chuds. Everyone should 'prep' to the degree they're able, at least keep a week or two supply of food and things on hand. Just buy things you'll eat anyway that keep, like rice and beans for example.