Once again, your use of language is a disgrace to meaningful debate. Please learn some civility in dealing with these matters, it'll pay out dividends down the road.
Your fetishism of PG speech to defend the bloodiest empire in history is a disgrace to humanity and common decency. I'll take my chances falling afoul of the tenets of your Debate God.
Once again, your use of language is a disgrace to meaningful debate. Please learn some civility in dealing with these matters, it'll pay out dividends down the road.
Your fetishism of PG speech to defend the bloodiest empire in history is a disgrace to humanity and common decency. I'll take my chances falling afoul of the tenets of your Debate God.
I'm an atheist, there is no God. That being said, being kind and listening is important to public discourse and should be encouraged full stop.
Being kind to imperialists is being cruel to their victims.