I do not understand the two beds. Hey fam, wanna stay the night in a prison cell?
I do not understand the two beds. Hey fam, wanna stay the night in a prison cell?
If you want to be really pissed, look at how Norway houses Ander Breivik.
in norway its not an exception tho, all prisoners live in quite comfortable conditions since they quite rightly apply rehabilitative justice. I spose you could argue breivik does not deserve rehabilitation but the wall and I tend to agree, but the idealist in me sees this as a good alternative
the purpose of prison is to separate, and if possible rehabilitate someone into society. (not saying he should be integrated back into society) shouldn’t we be advocating for humane shelter for people involuntarily housed by the state?
Can you imagine a more brutal sentence? You have to live out the rest of your natural life—all 50+ more years of it, by Norwegian standards—being provided food, clothing, shelter, and all your material needs. All by the Cultural Marxists you killed all those people for.
That asshole gets to spend every day of his life knowing that his life is perfectly comfortable... because of them... FOREVER!