Weird 2010's gamer nationalism meets china bad.

"Oh no, kids won't be able to use games to escape reality now" — Good, have them play outside or read a book or something.

"Horrible, I couldn't live without games" — Yes, this law is attempting to help people before they become like you.

"New generations won't grow up to be gamers now" — How will society survive!

"It's about controlling freedom of thought" — Ah, yes, this will stop the great dialogue had by fourteen-year-olds in LoL game chats.

  • UglySpaghettiHoe [he/him]
    3 years ago

    It's just limiting online games, which is still a little boomer-y but it isn't that big of a deal. Nothing is stopping the kids from hanging out and pulling an all nighter on something local, which was some of my greatest memories as a kid. The law also limits the amount of homework schools can assign, so overall I think this is a net positive, nothing to get too :joker-gaming: about