• Camboozie [he/him]
    3 years ago

    He says in the beginning that in building the USSR Stalin shouldn't be idolized or mystified as a great man but then proceeds to lay the post-war failures directly at his feet. If he really thinks that the communist party became bourgeoise because they didn't want "real jobs" then that is an implicit statement that the vangaurd party is always doomed to fail to lead the dictatorship of the proletariat.

    I don't want to get into the habit of psychoanalyzing people but, if we accept that history is as much a reflection of the present as a record of the past, I'd say that alternative histories such as this are more a reflection of their author than the material conditions at the time. Matt is bourg-ified and doesn't want to work a "real job" and is projecting his anxieties about his own material conditions onto a totally different circumstance.