
  • labels the enemies as evil, liar, traitor
  • symbolically punishes the enemy, but the enemy gets to retain his powers
  • the enemy is allowed to grow stronger, more influential, and gains a larger support base
  • conveniently passive and "work in mysterious ways" while controlling every seat of the universe, but the enemies just wield as much power as possible without being concerned about the rules
  • demands that you follow a bunch of convoluted, arbitrary rules in order to receive his support (which marginally improves your situation)
  • gets angry when you ask why he's so focused on a war far away instead of tending to your needs
  • insists that he's the ONLY viable party deity that can protect vulnerable people, but doesn't do anything to restrict the enemies
  • cites free speech will and "anti authoritarianism" as justification for not doing anything to restrict the enemies
  • demands you support and/or fight in his wars that he could stop any time to preserve democracy paradise
  • "this is the most important mass of you lifetime, so you better get in line and PROOOOY!!!"
  • has a bunch of paid blessed reply guys whose entire career is just defending him and berating you for being unsatisfied

God can also be compared to the US in general:

  • backs a militant radical to fight in a holy war against powerful rivals
  • the militant radical and his battle hardened men are disillusioned with God's policies
  • the militant radical and his men rebel against God and is labelled the enemy
  • the militant radical and his men, now enemies, use their knowledge, training, and equipment provided by God against him and his paradise
  • thousands of years later, the enemy is hiding in some compound in hell
  • Eons later, Christians ask "why do they hate us?"

*he is socialist for the sake of this joke