:sicko-biker: :sicko-biker: :sicko-biker:

edit: let me clarify that I understand biking isn't feasible for everyone or even safe considering how dangerous city streets are. is just funny meme because bikes are cool.

  • SoyViking [he/him]
    3 years ago

    A lot of the replies to this thread is a good example of how atomised political understand is under late capitalism, even on a leftist website.

    People see a "bike good, bike possible" message and interpret it as a moral condemnation of them personally for not biking while nothing else changes and not as a call for people in general to bike more with the changes in infrastructure and city planning that would go with it.

    It's not that there's something wrong with people for thinking like this, after all this is how we're being taught to think constantly by the bourgeois propaganda apparatus, but it is something to consider in political communication, being explicit about the collective nature of what were proposing.