I've been paying particularly close attention to shortages along these lines. The chips and special parts going into our logistics system are at the root of making everything it transports possible. We don't even have the fancy AI trucks yet and yet the US runs on a network of semis and fleet trucks that are rapidly running out of replacement parts. The breakdowns in repair/production capacity are so scattershot that there's no telling what the transport delay will impact next. Those chips compete for production space with every other kind of vehicular computer system, let alone other kinds of chips a micorprocessor plant could retool to make.

This post brought to you by Train Gang - More boxes on fewer vehicles needing fewer parts

"Train Gang Train Gang"

  • Train Gang
  • 6bicycles [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Disregarding on whether you can even start the car without some fancy chips, especially for the now all too common big ass SUVs and such those sensors are pretty critical to function because they'd just flip on the first turn otherwise without readjusting the suspension on the fly.