I'll be honest with you because I'm a little merry. I go to my mum's house every year because it makes her happy. I eat her roast lunch. I eat her pudding. There will be a day where I'll miss doing that but I'll also be at home eating prawns and pudding and barely leaving the couch. You are not alone. Hugs to you. 🫂
Me too. If not for my kids being so excited I'd have given up long ago and spent the day in a hotel or something. MIL and Mr Peeler have never gotten along consistently well and always seem to have a ripping argument on Christmas Eve and I'm the meat in the sandwich, trying to soften things up and focus on the kids not getting upset about it 😕
I find this time of year incredibly stressful and am just waiting for it to be over.
I'll be honest with you because I'm a little merry. I go to my mum's house every year because it makes her happy. I eat her roast lunch. I eat her pudding. There will be a day where I'll miss doing that but I'll also be at home eating prawns and pudding and barely leaving the couch. You are not alone. Hugs to you. 🫂
She also says "I fucking hate Christmas".
Me too. If not for my kids being so excited I'd have given up long ago and spent the day in a hotel or something. MIL and Mr Peeler have never gotten along consistently well and always seem to have a ripping argument on Christmas Eve and I'm the meat in the sandwich, trying to soften things up and focus on the kids not getting upset about it 😕
Sounds like they need to get liquored up and settle it in a makeshift boxing ring with rellies placing bets /joking
Or you and the kids can go to a separate area to do another activity and they can just go at it