Been like this for most the pandemic at this point, with small spurts of a month or so trying to get a routine going.
I have a kettle bell, some small 4 lb hand weights, and a very small yard. That's my exercise equipment. There's also a bike, but my anxiety wants me to work my way up to that since I'm on a major road with a lot of hill.
Advice on where to start? Like I said big scary road, lots of hills, so don't want to start with jogging and biking yet. But need to get cardio somewhere.
Gym is still bad, I'm in the south and covid freaks me out.
Check /r/bodyweightfitness on :reddit-logo: it's usually pretty good, and they've got a great routine, if you can find a place to do pullups.
P.S: Find a place to do pullups. Shit's important. If you're willing to put in any money at all, pullup bars are cheap as hell. Also bands if you can't do an unassisted pullup will be necessary.
Forgot about that! I got into BWF awhile back and it helped me out of a similar position like ~6 years ago. I'll go over it again.