slowly radicalizing me and I don't like it


Can't wait for all my leftist friends that I managed to convince electoralism works rubberband back into tankies bc moderates are massive bitches


this is literally half my friend group rn and I'm running out of counters


  • MarxMadness [comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    There are plenty of legitimate criticisms of AOC. "sOcIaL fAsCiSt!1!!" is not one of them. There's no path to a mass movement through calling one of the most popular and furthest-left politicians in the country a Nazi.

    And we're not talking about a choice between AOC and Lenin reincarnate; we're talking about a choice between AOC and Joe Manchin. A legitimate critique of what passes for leftist candidates in the U.S. would acknowledge the many ways those candidates are still an improvement over the most conservative of Democrats.