He's a good guy(but really), works 70+hrs a week, from rural south but lives out west now, started a business 2 yrs ago, building out vans for van dwellers, knows nothing about economics besides quick books, also has no time to read books, but He'd make such a great comrade-and his heart is there- he just cant get past "I work so hard, money is so tight, I cant possibly pay someone $20+/hr. and I cant do this without a couple more hands- so, raising min. wage is bad- my little LLC would fold!" (also min. wage is $15 where he is) Anyone have a working class accessible podcast that can explain some basic economics for him/ explain to someone with no background why this would benefit him/historical analysis of previous min. wage increases? I'm hoping to find something audio that he can put on in the shop, or while commuting- cause this dude really has no free time. Any and all suggestions would be very appreciated! We can turn him, comrades! I'm sure of it!